Ghee News

Ghee Recipes
Want to know our favourite ghee recipes? Everyone is always asking. ‘Do you have any OMGhee recipes” “How do I use my ghee in recipes’ Straight up I say – “you...
Ghee Recipes
Want to know our favourite ghee recipes? Everyone is always asking. ‘Do you have any OMGhee recipes” “How do I use my ghee in recipes’ Straight up I say – “you...

Sacred Ghee and Why the Cook is Sacred
Food has the ability to move you. There's an energetic exchange between the cook and the eater. Our sacred cook creates a sacred ghee for your ultimate wellbeing.
Sacred Ghee and Why the Cook is Sacred
Food has the ability to move you. There's an energetic exchange between the cook and the eater. Our sacred cook creates a sacred ghee for your ultimate wellbeing.

Your Best Source for Pure Grassfed Ghee in Aust...
If you are searching for the best source of pure cow ghee in Australia, you've found it! Both our organic grassfed Australian ghee and biodynamic grassfed Australian ghee has been made especially for...
Your Best Source for Pure Grassfed Ghee in Aust...
If you are searching for the best source of pure cow ghee in Australia, you've found it! Both our organic grassfed Australian ghee and biodynamic grassfed Australian ghee has been made especially for...

Ghee for Cleansing and Detoxification
Listen in as we discuss how our Australian Organic ghee is used by Ayurvedic practicioners for cleansing and detoxifying. Feeling a little toxic? In the third of our monthly education series...
Ghee for Cleansing and Detoxification
Listen in as we discuss how our Australian Organic ghee is used by Ayurvedic practicioners for cleansing and detoxifying. Feeling a little toxic? In the third of our monthly education series...

How to Store Your Ghee : 100 Year Old Ghee
If you’re wondering what to store when the zombie apocalypse comes then Ghee is one pantry staple, you are going to want to stock up on. Preppers listen up! The...
How to Store Your Ghee : 100 Year Old Ghee
If you’re wondering what to store when the zombie apocalypse comes then Ghee is one pantry staple, you are going to want to stock up on. Preppers listen up! The...

Reducing Inflammation with Ghee
One benefits of ghee is reducing inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to infection, injury, or foreign invaders, such as bacteria or viruses. The combination...
Reducing Inflammation with Ghee
One benefits of ghee is reducing inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to infection, injury, or foreign invaders, such as bacteria or viruses. The combination...
Blog posts
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Health Benefits of Ghee. Our Top 10.
Ghee Benefits- Ghee has many health and wellbeing benefits. From increasing longevity to beautiful skin. Here we list our top 10.
Health Benefits of Ghee. Our Top 10.
Ghee Benefits- Ghee has many health and wellbeing benefits. From increasing longevity to beautiful skin. Here we list our top 10.
Ghee Wizz - Lactose Free Butter!
One of the common questions we get asked is “can ghee be eaten by those wanting a lactose free butter alternative?” The short answer is yes! Ghee has many health benefits and being lactose...
Ghee Wizz - Lactose Free Butter!
One of the common questions we get asked is “can ghee be eaten by those wanting a lactose free butter alternative?” The short answer is yes! Ghee has many health benefits and being lactose...
Can I Substitute Ghee for Butter? The Benefits ...
There are a lot of butter alternatives on the market these days. If you’re looking for a butter alternative, you may be wondering if you can substitute Ghee . Yes! ...
Can I Substitute Ghee for Butter? The Benefits ...
There are a lot of butter alternatives on the market these days. If you’re looking for a butter alternative, you may be wondering if you can substitute Ghee . Yes! ...