Frequently Asked Questions

Ghee Frequently Asked Questions
Ghee is butter taken through a process to eliminate all moisture and milk solids creating a lactose free, long shelf-life butter alternative. It has a high smoking point and many health benefits. Used traditionally in Ayurveda (natural medicine originally from India) it is a staple food in many households across the world especially in South Asia.
How is Ghee made?
Ghee is made by simmering butter slowing for a very long time until all the moisture is removed and the milk solids separate. It is then filtered a number of times to ensure that all the milk solids are removed.
Additionally at OMGhee, we follow the ancient traditions, treating the cook as sacred, which includes in broad terms blessing the ghee, cooking with gratitude and other invisible practices that only become tangible in the taste and medicinal effect on the body. We like to keep it simple and say it is infused with #joy #love and #intention
What is ghee made from?
Butter is the only ingredient in ghee so quality is determined by the quality of the butter and the intention of the cook. We all know a homemade meal cooked with a mothers love is better than store bought – intention matters!
Does OMGhee use grass fed butter?
Yes, OMGhee is made with 100% biodynamic, organic, grass fed butter from cows kissed by the moon and mollycoddled in the field. Don’t believe us – our supplier is Paris Creek Farms you can find more about them and their farming practices here.
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What is Biodynamic?
Think organic and then multiply it. Biodynamics is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming. It makes sense, if you look after the land, the land will look after you.
It’s the combination of organic principles, unique preparations, soil enhancements and plant health to allow the farm itself to generate nutritious and healthy crops and in turn, healthy, happy cows!
Once you’ve tasted bio-dynamic dairy, and seen how a bio-dynamic farm respects the plants, the planet and the produce, there is no going back.
What are the health benefits of Ghee?
Glad you asked! There are so many of them we wrote an article on our blog –Health Benefits of Ghee. Our Top 10.
How do I store my Ghee?
Ghee lasts indefinitely when stored in a cool dark pantry, but don’t worry too much about its shelf life.You’ll love our ghee so much that only one thing will keep your mind occupied – ordering more! Here’s a tip for preserving your ghee: seal the lid between uses and use a clean dry knife. Keep the knife that’s been inside the Vegemite jar away! In the event of a ghee-mergency (vegemite contamination or soft ghee), eat it quickly or store it in the fridge where it will be safe from moisture intrusion and will harden nicely for you!
What is the smoking point of Ghee?
Unlike vegetable and olive oils which become oxidised at high levels and create damaging free radicals, the smoke point of OMGhee is a whopping 425 degrees so is safe to cook with at high levels. It is especially amazing to cook eggs and steak in. Yummmmm!
Can I bake with my Ghee?
Yes, use it as a butter replacement in all your recipes as it is a healthier option. Simply sway out butter for ghee at a ratio of one to one.
Is Ghee considered dairy?
Technically yes as its sole ingredient is butter. However, the cooking process removes the all the milk sugars (lactose) and (casein) so is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant and makes a great butter substitute.
Can I have Ghee with a dairy intolerance?
It is reported that people with dairy intolerances seem to tolerate ghee quite well. The reason being is because all the milk solids – including the lactose and casein – are removed. Also the fatty acid chains in ghee are different than butter, more closely resembling the cell membranes of your body. Try testing it in a very small quantity and if you tolerate that, take a bit more, until you either get a reaction or know that you tolerate it. Ultimately you know your body best.
Why is the Ghee grainy sometimes and other times smooth?
Ghee contains different fatty acids all with different melting points. For this reason, you may find that your ghee is grainy, crystallized, smooth, waxy, liquid, or a combination of various textures. This is caused by the melting and crystallization of the fats depending on the temperature and conditions during production, storage and/or transit.
While the texture may change, there is no effect on the taste, quality or shelf-life.
When you melt the ghee graininess disappears or if you’re like us and like to be able to spread it and it has become too soft, simply pop it in the fridge for a bit.